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A Star Map Program for your Personal Computer
by Robert L. Schuman [76370,302]
Have you ever seen the Northern Cross standing upright on the
northwestern horizon on Christmas Eve? Probably you have seen Orion rising in
the east during an evening in late autumn.
You can simulate the above views and others if you can use this program.
You must have an IBM-PC equiped with a standard video graphics board (CGA) and
RGB monitor or a compatible system. The program was originally written for
version 3.0 of Borland International's popular Turbo Pascal. This version of
the program was revised for version 4.0 of Turbo Pascal. The star maps this
program generates are for the 320 by 200 black and white graphics mode. This
mode displays colors on a RGB monitor.
Besides this program, which should have an .EXE suffix, you'll need a
SETUP. file and a STARS.DAT file. (NOTE: ALL files are contained within this
The SETUP. file is a text file with the following format:
12:00 AM
Both the 88.0 and 0.5 have a leading space.
The program uses the STARS.DAT database described in the August 1985
issue of POPULAR ASTRONOMY magazine. The database has information for almost
1600 stars. Read STARS.DOC[74206,110] for information if it is still in the
public access area. If STARS.DAT is still in the public access area it is
probably in four parts, STARS1.DAT[74206,110] through STARS4.DAT[74206,110].
(NOTE: The STARS.DAT file is included in this ARCHIVE.)
Probably the easiest way to get the database files would be to REAd each
of them with your capture buffer open, store them as separate files, and then
combine them into one named STARS.DAT.
The program, the SETUP. file, and the STARS.DAT file should be on the
same disk and/or directory.
When I run the program on my Tandy 1000TX it takes about a 25 seconds to
load the database. Plotting a star map takes about half of a minute.
After the program has loaded the database it displays a menu.
The menu displays the current values of all the parameters the user can
manipulate. The menu displays the observer's latitude, longitude, time of
day, time of year, time zone, azimuth angle, and altitude angle and a zoom
The time zones included are the standard and daylight savings versions of
the Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones.
If your local time zone is not included you may want to change the source
code and compile your own version of the program. Otherwise you will have to
convert your local time to that of one of the zones that are included.
The azimuth angle, the direction the observer is facing, is measured
clockwise from north. Thus east would be 90 degrees and northwest would be
315 degrees.
The altitude angle, the amount the observer has his head tilted back, is
measured from the horizon. Thus looking directly at the horizon would be an
altitude angle of 0 degrees and looking directly up at the zenith would be 90
The zoom factor controls how wide an angle of view of the sky the
computer will display. The zoom factors may range from 0.1 to 10. A zoom
factor of 0.622 will give a plot representing an area of the sky that is about
30 degrees wide.
Once you have entered parameters suitable to your viewing location,
select the save option and this information will replace the original SETUP
My monitor's viewing area is about 10 inches wide and 7 inches high. When
I look at it at a distance of 30 inches and the zoom factor is 1.0 the plotted
stars have about the same angular separation as they have when I look at the
actual stars in the night sky. If I were to change the zoom factor to 0.5 I
would have to look at the monitor's screen from a distance of 15 inches to
have the same angular separation as the sky's stars. To find the most
realistic viewing distance for your monitor multiply the width of the display
area by three and then by the zoom factor you are using.
The plots are gnomonic projections. If three stars in the sky are in a
straight line then they will also be in a straight line on a plot.
The brightness of the plotted stars correspond roughly to the brightness
of the stars they represent. The difference in magnitude between two stars is
equal to 2.5 times the log to the base 10 of the ratio of the brightnesses.
Thus a star that is twice as bright will have a magnitude that is
approximately 0.75 less than the dimmer star.
A plotted star that is twice as bright will have about twice as many
pixels used for it.
If the area of the sky that is plotted includes the horizon, the horizon
with be shown as a horizontal line and all the stars plotted below the horizon
will be blacked out. The effect of atmospheric distortion is ignored.
A frame is drawn around the star map when the program is done plotting.
To return to the menu type a capital "M". You can't return to the menu before
the plotting is completed.
If you type a "C" while the star map is displayed you will get a set of
crosshairs that can be moved around the display by using the cursor control
keys. Center the crosshairs on a star and type an "S" and the star's name
will be displayed. Type a "P" to return to the star map.